Tuesday, August 9, 2011

35 weeks and counting....

Being pregnant the third time has its challenges...
My challenge is the increasing kilos that I've put on (16kgs to date) and taking care of two young active children while having that big buldging tummy.
Thank God I did not experience any form of morning sickness nor sufffer any complication. All three pregnancies are a breeze. (Maybe that explains why I put on so much weight!! I just ate whenever and whatever I like!)
This could be the my last pregnancy and I am savoring the experience; especially when I feel the baby kicking. I always marvel at this sensation and His wonderful plan of women conceiving and laboring.

I am eagerly waiting for the arrival of our little darling girl.
This gift of love is yet again the goodness of God and a testament of His love for us.
I am praying for a smooth, short and painfree labor.
And I know that the baby will come in good timing.

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